Healer Messages

Anan FaureYou notice yourself recovering your energy and healing others faster.1:1 Faustus:Respia
AnDeux FaureYou notice yourself recovering your energy and healing others faster.1:2 Faustus:Respia
AnQuart FaureYou notice yourself recovering your energy and healing others faster.1:4 Faustus:Respia
AnSept FaureYou notice yourself recovering your energy and healing others faster.1:7 Faustus:Respia
AnTrix FaureYou notice yourself recovering your energy and healing others faster.1:3 Faustus:Respia
AwariaYou seem to heal yourself better with the moonstone.Self-Heal efficiency
EvaYou seem to heal more effectively.Balanced healer training
FaustusYou notice yourself healing others faster.Healing speed
HardiaYour body feels stronger.Limited combat ability
HiggrusYou seem to be able to take more damage now.Health
HorusYou seem to heal people closer to death now.Resuscitation
Metta SylphaYou understand the walking self-heal technique better.Sylphstone ring efficiency
ProximusYou seem to heal from further away now.Ranged healing
RadiumYou learn to better heal others nearby.Area healing
RespiaYou seem to recover spiritual energy faster.Spirit recovery
SespusYou notice that you can use your healing ability longer.Spirit
SpriteYour healing spirit improves.Healing receptivity with balanced healer training
SylphaYou understand the walking self-heal technique better.Sylphstone ring expertise
VirgilYou have more purgatory pendant knowledge.Purgatory pendant expertise

Fighter Messages

AkturYou seem to attack more accurately now.Accuracy
AngilsaYou notice your balance recovering much more quickly.Balance recovery at cost of general fighter ability
AtkiaYour attack is more accurate and able.Accuracy with damage and balance recovery
AtkusYou seem to attack more precisely now.Accuracy with balance and minor balance recovery
BalthusYou notice your balance improving.Balance
BloodbladeYou learn how to better utilize your bloodblade.Bloodblade proficiency
Bloodblade decayYou lose some of your grasp of blood magic.Bloodblade deficiency
DarkusYou notice yourself dealing more damage.Damage with balance and minor balance recovery
DethaYou seem to be defending yourself better.Defense
EvusYou seem to fight more effectively now.Balanced fighter training
Fell BladeYou learn how to better utilize your fell blade.Fell Blade proficiency
Fell Blade decayYou lose some of your grasp of backstabbing.Fell Blade deficiency
GossamerYou learn how to better utilize your gossamer.Gossamer proficiency
Gossamer decayYou lose some of your grasp of controlled attacks.Gossamer deficiency
Heen SlostidYour study of the shieldstone is improving.Shieldstone efficiency
HistiaYou seem to be able to take more damage now.Health
KnoxYou notice yourself dealing much more damage.Damage at cost of general fighter ability
RegiaYou notice your balance recovering more quickly.Balance Recovery
RodnusYou feel more receptive to healing.Healing receptivity
Spleisha'SulYour ability to store energy from the world improves.Energy
SwengusYou notice your balance and recovery improving.Balance and balance recovery
UnrastinYou learn to detect the energies of life and death.Bloodstone ring special ability

Ranger Messages

Bangus AnmashYour combat ability improves.Balanced ranger training
CephalooYou become more mindful of the power of surprise.Capacity to study creatures simultaneously
Drak NhorYou gain insight into the strength of solitude.Capacity to study creatures simultaneously
Duvin BeastloreYour study of creatures is progressing.Ability to study creatures
Fallow FurtivefootYou gain a deeper understanding of camouflage.Capacity to study creatures simultaneously
Farly BuffYou feel tougher.Health regeneration, health, and minor defense
Respin VerminebaneYou learn to channel energy from the world more efficiently.Energy recovery
Splash O'SulYour ability to store energy from the world improves.Energy
Tra'KningYour understanding of tracking grows.Tracking ability
Trucha LentYou become more attuned to the strength of coordination.Capacity to study creatures simultaneously

Bloodmage Messages

Anemia?Health, balance recovery, and slight health generation loss
AneurusYou learn to make your opponents bleed a bit more.Hemorrhage proficiency
Crato DefealYou feel better able to store blood.Blood storage
CryptusYou feel better at dealing debilating blows.Cripple, disable, and hamstring proficiency (identical to Disabla)
Cryptus (old)You feel better at dealing crippling blows.Cripple, disable, and hamstring proficiency (identical to Disabla)
DantusYou feel better able to unleash a blood inferno.Blood inferno proficiency
DisablaYou feel better at dealing debilating blows.Cripple, disable, and hamstring proficiency (identical to Cryptus)
Disabla (old)You feel better at dealing disabling blows.Cripple, disable, and hamstring proficiency (identical to Cryptus)
PosuhmYou are better able to feign death.Feign death speed then duration
Stedfustus?Health, balance recovery, and slight health generation

Champion Messages

Channel MasterYour Earthpower Channeling improves.Earth mineral proficiency
CorsettaYour stonegirdle ability improves.Stone girdle proficiency
DanselYour Balthite Channeling improves.Balthite proficiency
ErthronYou seem to fight more effectively now.Balanced champion training
ForvyolaYou seem to fight more effectively now.Balance recovery and health
HrickumYour Dethite Channeling improves.Dethite proficiency
HwackYour Darkite Channeling improves.Darkite proficiency
IttumYour Atkite Channeling improves.Atkite proficiency
NomossYour stonegirdle movement knowledge increases.Ability to move while stonegirdling
ToomeriaYour Earthpower improves.Earthpower
Vala LoackYour lava cloak ability improves.Lava cloak proficiency
ZehntYou seem to recover Earthpower faster.Limited earthpower recovery

General Messages

Asteshesha?Phantasm proficiency
BracisYou feel less dependent on normal weapons.Bracer expertise
Dentir LongtoothYour study of mandible extraction seems to be taking root.Mandible recovery
Loovma GeerYou learn how to maintain your equipment better.Break tools less often
Master BodrusYour body feels stronger.Limited combat ability
Master Janis' Mental MysteriesYour mind grows broader.Sungem group capacity
Master MentusYour mind seems keener.Mind fortitude
Master SpirtusYour spirit improves.Healing receptivity and poor healer training
Skea BrightfurYour study of skinning seems to be paying off.Skinning
TroilusYou feel yourself recuperating faster.Health regeneration

Trade Skill Messages

Bruia StoutYou feel more skilled in the art of brewing.Brewing
ForgusYour knowledge of blacksmithing improves.Blacksmithing and smelting
Kalemis Stainfinger?Potion-making
MetallaYour knowledge of metallurgy improves.Smelting (removed in favor of Forgus)
Poly Carver?Woodworking
SartorioYou notice yourself keeping people in stitches better.Tailoring
ZeucrosYou feel more skilled in the art of baking.Baking

Language Messages

Babelle LyrnYou feel closer to understanding the Sylvan language.Sylvan language
FrrinakinYou feel closer to understanding the language of the People.Fen'neko language
Lana GarakaYou feel closer to understanding the Dwarven language.Dwarven language
Par TroonYou feel closer to understanding the Thoomish language.Thoomish language
SporrinYou feel closer to understanding the language of the Halflings.Halfling language
Vor'harnYou feel closer to understanding the Ghorak Zo language.Ghorak Zo language

Pathfinding Messages

DigginYou feel better able to spot hidden passages.Pathfinding
Giayl's Guide to Hidden WaysYour eye grows keener.Pathfinding
Marsh HermitYour eye grows keener.Pathfinding
The Tao of TrillbaneYour eye grows keener.Pathfinding
TrillbaneYour eye grows keener.Pathfinding
Trillbane's commentaries on WaysYour eye grows keener.Pathfinding

Mystic Messages